Monday, February 4, 2008

Never enough time...

This weekend was my little sister's baby shower. She flew out from Ottawa so that we could have a family shower here in Oregon. We knew the time would go quickly, but I never imagined just how fast. Between hanging out with family, preparing for the shower, the shower itself, the Superbowl, and celebrating her birthday, flew by.

The boys love their time with family. Hanging out with my parents and sister, Max gets more attention than he can ask for, and they are wonderfully entertained by him. I have loved watching my parents become grandparents - they are so natural at it. We can't wait to watch them with my sister's baby girl, too.

The hardest part of the weekend was this morning when I had to say goodbye to my little sister. The next time I see her, she will be a mommy. I am so happy and nervous and excited for her. I would give anything to be there with her and for her. But, the last several years have also taught me that the more she does on her own, without my being the bossy big sister, the closer we become. She is such a strong person - and she just needs me to love her and be her best cheerleader. And with the miles between us, that's all I can be.

I am so lucky to have family that no matter how much time we have together, it never feels like enough....

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