Monday, February 25, 2008

We're making it....

In my last post I talked about Dan returning to work - a day that I really was dreading. Heck, I kinda liked having the guy around. But, "vacation" has to end sometime, right?

Really, things have been pretty good. The boys and I have gotten out of the house by 9:00 each morning so far, whether it was for playgroup or Stroller Strides. And I have to admit it, but I didn't have high hopes for that. I'm pretty low maintenance and Luke just goes along with whatever - but mornings with Max are unpredictable. Some days he's ready and raring to go. But, more often than not, he'd rather just hang out in pjs and be held. And that can't happen if we are going to get out the door on time. But, for FOUR days, he has been rather agreeable, and we've managed to get dressed, pottied, have breakfast, pump milk for the freezer, start laundry and gather the diaper bag! I'm so proud of us!

The rest of the day flies by - and by the time Dan gets home (at a blessedly early 5:00), I'm wondering where yet another day has gone. It's all going so fast - each day, each week, and before I know it, my maternity leave will be over. March 31st (my sister Erin's due date, by the way) is my first day back in the classroom, and I need to use the week before to get lesson plans together. So soon. But, on a positive note, we may have found daycare for the boys!

And I will say this - with Dan back at work, the weekend has regained its meaning! It feels like a treat to have him home, and keeps all 7 days of the week from being quite so similar. Yup. We're making it - and we're going to try and enjoy every bit of time we've got.

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