Monday, December 21, 2009

A rare Sunday night...

Most Sunday nights are a combination of wistful longing for another day of weekend and the mad panic of getting everything ready for the week. They stress me out.

But, not this one. This was the first Sunday of Winter Break. We needed to celebrate.

The first step was dinner. Max wanted pizzas, so we decided to throw our first "Make Your Own Pizza" night. Both boys loved painting their tomato sauce on the Boboli crusts (yeah, next time I'll try homemade) and then piling on the toppings of their choice. Max just wanted lots of everything, and ended up with a 2.5 inch tall pizza. Luke liked to put the toppings on, but then ate them immediately - only about 2 of his pineapple pieces made it to the oven. The results were enjoyed by all, and it was great seeing how much the boys enjoyed the process.

After dinner we piled into the car to go check out Christmas lights. Being new to this area we decided to just stay around here and cruise the neighborhoods. We were well rewarded. Max loved to narrate and point out every house we went by that has any lights. Some were even given the high praise of being "cool". The best were given the "Oh wow! That's awesome!" award. Luke mostly oohed and ahhhed. I took notes on how I want to improve ours for next year. We drove around for about half an hour just enjoying the time together and the energy put into the holidays by our neighbors.

A good time was had by all.

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