Thursday, January 1, 2009

My word.

Happy New Years! I hope that today finds you warm and well, enjoying the possibility of all that 2009 might have to offer. I'm deliberately choosing not to focus on the fact that as the clock struck midnight last night, Max woke up in bed, throwing up. That just isn't going to be the sign of things to come.

Instead, I am intent on finding my word. For those of you familiar with the divine Ali E., you already know about the idea of choosing one word as the focus for the coming year. Instead of thinking about 5-6 resolutions that will make it to next week, I am going to focus my efforts this year on living my life in a way that fits with my word.

And that word is.... (drumroll, please).......


cul·ti·vate [ kúltə vàyt ] (past and past participle cul·ti·vat·ed, present participle cul·ti·vat·ing, 3rd person present singular cul·ti·vates)

transitive verb

1. prepare land for crops: to work land or prepare soil for growing crops

2. grow plant: to grow a plant or crop

3. loosen soil: to break up soil with a tool or machine, especially before sowing or planting

4. nurture something: to improve or develop something, usually by study or education

5. develop acquaintance with somebody: to develop an acquaintance or intimacy with somebody, often for personal advantage

6. make somebody cultured: to civilize or educate a person or group

It wasn't easy finding my word this year, but it really resonates with me. One of my great joys last year was starting our garden with Max. Yeah, the garden itself was fun, but even more because it helped me to do more of the things that I want to be doing in my life - being outside, being active, being in the moment, while anticipating good things to come. It forced me to start learning a whole new set of skills and information. I cannot wait to continue and expand this year. As a teacher, cultivating new ideas and thoughts is the role that I believe I should have in the lives of my students. I love the definition number 5 for my role as a wife. Even though we are going to be sharing our tenth anniversary, I want to continue to develop greater intimacy with Dan.

But I am drawn most to "cultivate" in how it fits with my role as a mother. There are so many things I want for my boys, and my greatest job is to help them discover, learn, and tend to their desires for growth and exploration. Whether I am helping to cultivate musicians, painters, athletes, readers, or in the most immediate case, walkers, I will focus my time and energy helping them to grow.

Yeah. Cultivate. That's my word. What's yours?


Marilee said...

Meg, you humble me in ways that I can't begin to explain! I always feel like our relationship is backwards; I want to grow up to be like you instead of the other way aroung! You make me think and wonder about the person you see in me that I just can't find sometimes and make me want to be better all of the time. Thank you for that.
We just put Erin and Savannah on the plane and I am deeply feeling that hole that I thought I had gotten used to. I love you soooo much - to the moon and back at least. Mom

Erin said...

Great one! I'm STILL pondering what my word will be....

Melanie said...

That's a great choice! I have no idea what my word will be. . . I best go think about that now.

McLeodx5 said...

ditto what everyone else said..that is a GREAT word. now i need to think of my word. hmmm...

Jennie M said...

megan, i don't comment nearly enough - but I love your choice this year. great one - truly necessary and unique. Mine is FOCUS. (Which is something I desperately NEED) I need to pay attention to all of the things that are in my life and not skate by...