Friday, November 12, 2010

A little heads up...

Over the last couple of years, I have had a few challenges when it comes to blogging.  The largest of these was feeling like I was trying to make this little blog cover too many things.  I wanted it to be our online scrapbook, family journal, but also wanted somewhere to share our theories on parenting and life.  Sometimes these things go together, but often it just felt awkward. Maybe it all comes down to the English teacher in me always wanting to write for my audience, but not knowing who that was...

So, as many of you know, I started a new blog a couple weeks ago.  Upon the Tightrope is our new bog for our journey to finding more balance in life.  Here I will continue to write about the funny things the boys say, silly videos, and our more personal, individual thoughts.  Hopefully this will help make each place feel more coherent, and tied together.  I'd love to have you join me for whatever interests you!

And thanks for reading along, wherever you choose to do that!

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