Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Max at 4.5...

I figured that it is a good time for a little update on each boy - it's been a little while! So without further ado, heeeeeerrrrreeeee's Max!

1. Max is still 100% in love with school. Somehow he has figured out that Montessori is traditionally a 3 year cycle (ages 3-5), and figures he got shortchanged a year. He regularly tries to negotiate staying until he's 6 to make up for starting later.

2. Most of the time he's a little over-protective of Luke. He hates it when Luke gets in trouble (even if it's for hitting him), and regularly tries to work out a lesser "punishment". One morning he woke up with scratches all over his face, and when we asked what happened, he told us that Luke scratched him the night before. He didn't tell us because he didn't want Luke to get in trouble.

3. He still loves books. A couple of months ago we started reading chapter books with him at night, and he amazes us with his understanding of these lengthy stories. He is doing a lot of beginning reading, and it's amazing to watch as he works at sounding out the world around him.

4. The only thing he loves more than books are Legos. He's downright passionate about building with the little bricks, and has very little difficulty with following complicated instructional diagrams. It's so fun to watch him build lots of little "ships" and use the little figures to play out all sorts of adventures. Now if only we could convince him that it is ok to take the things he builds apart...

5. "Space Pirates" is a favorite pretend game. We're never sure exactly what it consists of, but couch cushions and laundry baskets are usually necessary equipment.

6. He's beyond diligent when given a job. The other day I asked him to help me cut out a few cookies. Without any prompting he worked for 1 hour - rolling out batch after batch and cutting out cookies. He refused to stop before the job was done. It's how he approaches most jobs. I hope it's a trait that sticks with him.

7. He has his own vacuum. Our previous handheld vacuum died, and he insisted we needed a new one so he could clean up under his dinner chair. When at the store, he picked out the one he liked best after trying all the different models. Now he uses it nearly every day, always looking for a little chore he can do with his vacuum. I'm trying to talk him into picking out his own toilet brush next...

8. He's not perfect. I know that I've been going on about the great things about him, but there are rough edges on the little guy, too. He will often tease and taunt Luke just to see what will happen. He throws fits if he doesn't get dressed before Luke in the morning. And a quick shove will move a little brother quicker than asking. But the truth? All of these things are happening less and less - just enough to remind us to appreciate the times they don't.

9. He's still in love with all things fireman, but also is showing interest in space and superheroes.
10. He's growing up too fast. He's getting taller, has an incredible vocabulary, and is showing great compassion. He speaks comfortably with adults and is willing to try new opportunities. The fact that he is staying in his current school is allowing me to avoid the fact that he is a few months from starting kindergarten. I'm not ready.

So, that's our big kiddo these days. Our spirited, passionate, fascinating ball of energy and love. And while I don't love the growing up thing, I love the person he's becoming.


Marilee said...

Max was the perfect introduction to grandparenting. How could you not want more more more when you start out with such a loving, sweet, cuddly, beautiful little one who is so great at showing his love?!

Erin said...

I love this kid. He constantly amazes me. Thanks for helping me stay in the Max loop!

Leslie said...

Max is such a cute kiddo! He is growing up so quickly.

j.yue said...

oh man. i love this post and love max tons more everyday/every new max post. o is identical with his rough edges. identical "flaws". crazy to read those. phew. good to hear these might all be normal stuff. hard not to worry sometimes. and wow. whatta guy tho! i am so glad you are blogging to be able to go back and read all of this one day for yourself and max and whomever. just so special to note all of these wonderful things. you and your fam never cease to inspire me...

Stefanie said...

What a wonderful post for a wonderful boy!! I hope my Max turns out just like yours!!